Extraordinary Music Workshop

8.-14. Juli 2024 – Krakau, Polen 🌻

Einwöchiger  Liturgische Musik-Workshop in englischer Sprache

Fr. Lukasz Misko, OP über Außergewöhnlichen Musikworkshop (1 Minute)

This is our leading project created for people who love liturgical music. Join us for this week-long conference in the heart of the ancient capital of Poland, beautiful Kraków. Being aware that music is a vital element of the liturgy, we desire to cultivate its traditions as well as to set new directions for its organic development.

The Spirit and the bride say: come! The Church, the bride of Christ, is awaiting his return. Moved by the Holy Spirit, with our hearts and minds and voices we cry: Come, Lord Jesus! That’s what each liturgy is really about. In every meaningful relationship, in friendship, but especially in the sacrament of marriage Christians desire to experience the power of Christ’s promise that when we are bound by his love, we get a foretaste of heaven here on earth.

The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” Let the hearer say, “Come” (Revelation 22:17)

“The Spirit and the Bride”, a title of this year’s edition, is drawn from the Book of the Revelation and will guide us in our musical and theological reflection at the 2024 Extraordinary Music Workshop. Our repertoire will be centered around themes of Holy Matrimony, the Holy Spirit, and the Church. Additionally we will hear daily talks on liturgical theology given by Fr. Innocent Smith, OP, a musician and expert on the history of liturgy. 400 singers, 7 days, Gregorian and Byzantine chant, polyphony old and new – all happening here within the Gothic walls of the Dominican priory of Kraków, Poland, led by Dominican Friars and our wonderful faculty from the United States, Germany, Poland, and Ukraine.

The dates are July 8-14, 2024 – and the Online Signup Form is now available!

Anmeldung und Teilnahmebedingungen

Unser Ziel ist die Sicherheit und das Wohlbefinden aller Teilnehmer. Wir empfehlen, sich frühzeitig anzumelden, um einen der begehrten Plätze zu sichern.


Bequeme Unterkunft

30 €

Preis gilt pro Nacht in einem Zwei-Personen-Zimmer.

  • Einzelzimmer 30 € pro Nacht
  • Eigenes Bad, freies WLAN
  • Wasserkocher, Kühlschrank, TV
  • 15 Minuten Fußweg

Beim Check-Out auswählen


250 € 8.-14. Juli

Eine Woche voller Workshops mit unseren renommierten Dozenten im Herzen von Krakau.

  • Tägliche Eucharistie und Stundengebet
  •  Vorträge über Theologie
  • Abendkonzerte
  • Zahlung per Kreditkarte oder PayPal

Jetzt anmelden


10 €

Additional purchase offers with discount for Participants.

  • Choose and get it when you arrive
  • Notebook and cotton bag (10 €)
  • Liturgical Music CD in English (5 €)
  • Tuning fork with leather cover (15 €)

Beim Check-Out auswählen

Solltest Du Fragen zum Programm-Inhalt haben, kontaktiere bitte den Projektkoordinator, Pater Łukasz Miśko OP (in englischer oder polnischer Sprache).
Bevor Du das ausgefüllte Formular zurückschickst, mach Dich bitte mit den Teilnahme-Bedingungen vertraut.

Melden Sie sich schnell und einfach an

1. Lesen Sie die Beschreibung oben. Bitte denken Sie daran, dass die gesamte Kommunikation und alle Workshops auf Englisch stattfinden (Sie können eine andere Gruppe auf Polnisch wählen).

2. Füllen Sie das Anmeldeformular aus – wir benötigen Ihre Kontaktdaten und eine Entscheidung, ob wir den Aufenthalt für Sie buchen sollen. Klicken Sie auf den Link, um Ihre E-Mail Adresse zu bestätigen.

3. Bezahlen Sie die gesamte Teilnahmegebühr mit jeder Art von Karte, Apple Pay/Google Pay oder Ihrem PayPal-Konto (Sie können auch eine Überweisung tätigen).

4. Jetzt sind Sie startklar – wir sehen uns im Juli in Krakau. Wenn Sie mit einer weiteren Person kommen möchten, müssen Sie das Formular noch einmal ausfüllen.

Unser Team

Elena Bird Zolnick
Instructor at Extraordinary Music Workshop 2024
Fr. Innocent Smith, O.P.
Retreat Master of Extraordinary Music Workshop 2024
Rev. Dr. Robert Mehlhart, OP
Gregorian Chant specialist
Andrii Shkrabiuk
Greek-Catholic musician
Fr. Lukasz Misko, OP
President of the Foundation
Dawid Kusz OP
Członek zespołu, kompozytor


Wir haben vor, die Heilige Messe zum Schluss des diesjährigen Workshops Außergewöhnliche Musik sowie die Präsentation der Workshop-Sektionen am Sonntag den 14. Juli im Livestream zu übertragen. Wir laden Dich ein, persönlich die Dreifaltigkeitskirche der Dominikaner zu besuchen oder die Übertragung zu verfolgen.

Abonnieren und Schauen


  • Monday

    Sunday, July 7: 2 PM Check-in starts at the Retreat House

    Monday, July 8

    8:30 AM Lauds (Basilica)
    9 AM Introduction to the workshop & Warm-up with Elena (Students’ Chapel)
    9:30-11:00 AM Choir level I & II (Chapter Hall & Students’ Chapel)
    11:30 AM Talk by Fr. Innocent, followed by 30 minutes of Adoration (Our Lady of the Snows)

    Around 12:45 Lunch break

    2:00 PM City walk with a Dominican guide
    3:30 PM Gregorian Chant level I & II (Chapter Hall & the Crypt)
    5:00 PM Opening Mass (with the Polish group)
    6:00 PM Vespers (with the Polish group)

    Dinner break

    8:15 PM Fr. Dawid Kusz, OP, and Sancta Trinitas Ensemble Concert at the Basilica (optional)

  • Tuesday

    Tuesday, July 9

    8:30 AM Lauds (Basilica)
    9:00-9:30 Elena Warm-up & Vocal Technique (St. Thomas Hall)
    9:30-11:00 Byzantine music with Andrii for all, part 1 (Chapter Hall)
    11:00 coffee break
    11:30 Choir level I & II (OFMConv)

    1:00 PM Lunch break

    2:45 PM Fr. Innocent Talk (Students’ Chapel)
    3:30 PM Gregorian Chant I & II (Chapter Hall & the Crypt)
    5:30 PM Mass & Vespers (Our Lady of the Snows)

    Dinner break

    8:15 PM Meeting with Dominican composers and music educators on the Polish Dominican movement phenomenon (Chapter Hall)

  • Wednesday

    Wednesday, July 10

    8:30 AM Lauds (Basilica)
    9:00 Fr. Innocent’s Talk (Students’ Chapel)
    9:30-11:00 Gregorian Chant level I & II (Chapter Hall & Our Lady’s Chapel)
    11:30-1:00 PM Choir level I & II (OFMConv)

    Lunch break

    2 PM City walk part 2
    4 PM Byzantine music with Andrii, part 2 (Chapter Hall)
    5 PM Mass & Vespers (with the Polish group)

    Dinner break

    8 PM Music for Our Lady: traditional devotion at the Carmelite Church (optional)

  • Thursday

    Thursday, July 11

    8:30 AM Lauds (Basilica)
    9:00 AM Elena’s Warm Up & Vocal Technique (St. Thomas Hall)
    9:30 AM Fr. Innocent’s Talk (Students’ Chapel)
    10:00 AM Byzantine music with Andrii 3 (Chapter Hall)
    11:00 AM Coffee
    11:30 AM – 1:30 PM Choir level I & II (OFMConv)

    Lunch break, free time

    3:30-5:00 PM Gregorian chant (Chapter Hall & the Crypt)
    5:30 PM Mass & Vespers (in English: Our Lady of the Snows)

    Dinner break

    8:15 PM Adoration at the Basilica (optional) / rehearsal for Friday’s concert (if needed)

  • Friday

    Friday, July 12

    8:30 AM Lauds (Basilica)
    9:00 Elena’s Warm-Up & Vocal Technique Class (St. Thomas Hall)
    9:30-11:00 Gregorian Chant I & II (Chapter Hall & Our Lady’s Chapel)
    11:30-1:30 PM Choir level I & II (OFMConv)


    3 PM Talk by Fr. Innocent (Students’ Chapel)
    3:30-4:45 PM Choir level I & II (Chapter Hall & the Crypt)
    5 PM Mass & Vespers (with the Polish group)

    Dinner break

    8 PM International group concert at Corpus Christi

  • Saturday

    Saturday, July 13: Walking Pilgrimage Day

    8:30 AM Byzantine Chanted Rosary (Sisters’ Chapel)
    Walking pilgrimage (12 km) to the Benedictine Abbey of Tyniec via Bielany (Camaldolese Monastery)
    1 PM Lunch
    2 PM Choir rehearsal for Saturday Mass (together)
    3:30 PM Talk by Fr. Innocent
    4 PM Mass at the Abbey Church (in English)
    I Vespers of Sunday with the Benedictine Community
    Return to Krakow
    Free evening

  • Sunday

    Sunday, July 14

    8:30 AM Lauds (Chapter Hall)
    9 AM – 10:30 AM Choir level I & II (OFMConv)
    Coffee break
    11:00 AM – 12 noon Choir level I & II (OFMConv)
    12 noon Where do we go from here? Participants’ sharing (OFMConv)

    Lunch break

    2:30 PM Workshop group presentations + online broadcast (Basilica)
    3:30 PM Closing Mass – with the Polish group (Basilica)

Warum liturgische Musik bei uns lernen: ein paar Zeugnisse

Fr. Lukasz Misko OP, DLC President, Kraków, Poland

Dr. Tim O’Malley of the University of Notre Dame (USA)

Andrea Baldazzi from Bologna, Italy

Aleksandra Runde from Liepāja, Latvia

Br. Augustinus Aerssens OP from the Netherlands

Julie Bellefeuille, a PhD student in South Bend, IN

Sehen Sie, was unsere Teilnehmer über die Ausgabe 2022 gesagt haben:

All around a fantastic experience – even though we were very busy, it was a great way to pack a ton of learning into a short amount of time. I hope to be able to return next year, but even if I can’t I will be advertising the workshop to all my musically-inclined friends.


I spontaneously signed up for this workshop after hearing about it from Dominican friends and I am so pleased I did: it was enriching, mentally, spiritually and musically. I want to say a big ‚Thank You!‘ to Fr. Lukasz and team for their heroic work in the preparation and execution of this week, for it surely required tremendous effort from many people.  However, as we know, it’s team-work to get into Heaven and in this regard, it was a great joy to be united in prayer and song with so many other good souls – surely a foretaste of Heaven!


I found the workshop intense (in a good way) and fun. Well worth the time investment. I would definitely come again.


I absolutely loved the week of workshops, meeting beautiful new friends, meeting Dominicans, who I have never had any opportunity to meet in Australia, and just being around like-minded Catholic individuals. I loved how the friars wished to spend time with us outside of our workshops, and I feel to have created a wonderful bond with the international group. I am SOOO grateful to have had the opportunity to come to Krakow. I feel it was a real God send! Thank you so much!!!


Förderer/-in werden

Wenn Du an diesjährigem Workshop nicht teilnehmen kannst, aber die Idee selbst nahe Deinem Herzen steht, möchten wir Dich um die Unterstützung bei der Organisation dieser Veranstaltung bitten. Jede Geldspende stellt eine enorme Hilfe bei den Vorbereitungen dar!


Es ist die neunte Staffel

Erfahre, wie die vorherigen Ausgaben der Workshops der Außergewöhnlichen Musik aussahen. Wir veranstalten sie in Krakau seit 2013.

The program offered in English is incorporated into a larger Polish-language event, attended annually by over 300 people. This creates a unique opportunity to raise your heart and voice with what may be the largest choir you have ever sung in, but more importantly it gives a sense of unity of the Church gathered to worship from so many places around the world. We hope you will join us in Krakow this summer!

Fr. Lukasz Misko, OP

project manager

Donkey the Coffee Truck

Participants of last year’s Extraordinary Music Workshops probably cannot imagine our event without the Osiołek (Donkey) – a unique multimedia coffee truck in the monastery garden, provided by YoungTree Foundation. We are very happy that it will accompany us this year and we can’t wait for our first cup of aromatic coffee!

Read more

Die Workshops der Außergewöhnlichen Musik finden in dem Dominikaner-Kloster an der Stolarska 12 in Krakau, Polen

Contact us:
Dominican Liturgical Center
Stolarska 6/30, 31-043 Kraków, Poland

phone 0048 12 362 69 32 ext. 9
e-mail: emw@warsztaty.mn
See other contact options